Attach Documents

The Attach Document object can be used to;


In order to add a new document or an URL, first click on the add button. Then select the required upload type.


Upload a File


STEP 1: Select 'File Upload' from the Upload Type dropdown. Then click on the 'Select' button.

A pop-up window will be displayed from where you could select the document that needs to be uploaded.

STEP 2: Clicking on the 'Add' button will add the file to the document list. Similarly, multiple documents can be included.

STEP 3: To upload the document, click on the 'Upload' button.

STEP 4: Click on the 'Save' icon.

The maximum file size that can be uploaded is 20MB (for each file).


Add a TRIM link

STEP 1: Select ‘Trim Link’ from the Upload Type dropdown.

STEP 2: Enter the TRIM number of the specific document.

STEP 3: Selecting ‘Always Show Latest Document’ will allow you to view the latest version of the document. Also, this would update the linked document as TRIM version changes.

STEP 4: Click on the 'Add' button will add the trim link to the list. Similarly, multiple links can be added.


Adding a Share Point Link

STEP 01: Select ‘Share Point Link’ from Upload Type dropdown.

STEP 02: Enter a title for the link.

STEP 03: Specify the share point link in ‘Other Link’ text-box. 

STEP 04: Add a description and click on ‘Add’ to upload the link.


Add an URL Link



STEP 1: Select ‘Other link’ as the Link Type

STEP 2: Enter a title (if required) and the URL in 'Other URL' field.

STEP 3: Clicking the 'Add' button will include the URL to the list. Similarly, multiple links can be included.


The label names, upload fields and functionality available will depend on the system configurations completed by your administrator.






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Last revised: November 26, 2017